ISSP 2014 final works online
We are proud to present the final works produced by the ISSP 2014 participants this August in Kuldīga! Watch the complete series at the Final works galleries on this website and in vimeo!
We are proud to present the final works produced by the ISSP 2014 participants this August in Kuldīga! Watch the complete series at the Final works galleries on this website and in vimeo!
In cooperation with Latvian Museum of Photogrpahy we are pleased to present a series of two artist talks: American photographer Jen Davis and Polish photographer, a founding partner of Sputnik Photos Jan Brykczyński will present their work in Riga on September 23 and 24. Welcome!
Esam sākuši jaunu ISSP Skolas mācību kursu 2014/2016 kopā ar brīnišķīgiem 18 jauniem fotogrāfijas studentiem! Te arī jauno dalībnieku saraksts.
Two ISSP 2014 masters, renowed photographers Yurie Nagashima (Japan) and Mark Steinmetz (USA) will present their work in Riga - on Tuesday 12th August 6 pm, at The Mill. All photography lovers are welcome!
We cordially invite all photography lovers to explore the results of the ISSP 2014 at the final Exhibition in Kuldīga! The group show of ISSP participants' works will be on display until September 14 in Kuldīga Arts hall. Opening: Saturday, 9 August, 7pm - welcome!
Traditionally, the ISSP will offer a series of fascinating evening presentations and talks by the masters and participants at the ISSP campus in Pelči, Kuldīga district from Sunday August 3 until Saturday August 9. The evening programme is free of charge - all photography lovers are welcome!
Atsaucoties uz interesentu lūgumiem, pieteikšanās ISSP Skolas programmai 2015/2016 ir pagarināta - pieteikumus mācībām pieņemsim līdz 6.jūlijam (ieskaitot). Intervijas ar pretendentiem notiks nedēļā no 7. - 11. jūlijam.
No 4. - 27. jūlijam Tabakas fabrikā notiks izstāde Rīgas paš/portreti - mūsdienu rīdzinieku portrets caur viņu pašu un mākslinieku acīm. Laipni lūgti! :::: The Riga Self/Portraits exhibiton will be on display at Tabakas Fabrika, Rīga, from July 4 - 27, presenting a contemporary portrait of Riga through the eyes of its residents and artists. Welcome!
ISSP vasaras skolas laikā Pelču internātskolā notiks fotogrāfijas darbnīca Pelču jauniešiem "Mans Stāsts". Darbnīca tiks integrēta ISSP pasākumā un tās dalībnieki apgūs fotogrāfijas pamatus, mācoties izteikties par sevi un pasauli ar attēlu palīdzību, radot personiskos foto stāstus. Darbnīcas rezultāti tiks izstādīti ISSP gala izstādē Kuldīgas Mākslas namā.
The list of selected ISSP 2014 participants is online - a fascinating group of 73 from 28 countries! Congratulations!! The list is pending participants' confirmations, there are many more qualified candidates in the waiting list. We will contact everyone by email in the coming days. Looking forward for amazing August!
We are very glad to announce selection results for Photographer at Kuldīga Artists' Residence 2014! The artist selected from 65 applications is a young talent from Poland Joanna Piotrowska, who will be working in Kuldīga from September to November. Congratulations!
Līdz 28. jūnijām var pieteikties dalībai ISSP Skolas jaunajā kursā, kas sāksies 2014.gada septembrī! Pieteikumus gaidām no aktīviem fotogrāfijas interesentiem, kas vēlas paplašināt savu izpratni par fotogrāfijas mediju un iemācīties izteikties ar fotogrāfijas palīdzību, veidojot personiskus autorprojektus.