ar Sāru Līn, žurnāla National Geographic galveno fotoredaktori un Bilu Marru, žurnāla National Geographic radošo direktoru
2011.gada 30.maijā, plkst. 14:00 – 17:00, laikmetīgajā mākslas centrā kim?
Portfolio skate ir paredzēta fotogrāfiem, kuri strādā dokumentālā žanrā. Konsultācijā ar vadošajiem žurnāla National Geographic ekspertiem katram dalībniekam būs iespējams saņemt padomus par savu darbu prezentāciju, publicēšanu un fotogrāfa ideju attīstīšanu. Ir paredzēta “atvērtā tipa” skate –dalībniekiem būs iespēja netraucējot ieklausīties ekspertu komentāros arī par citu dalībnieku darbiem.
Dalība bez maksas. Ierobežots vietu skaits, tikai pēc iepriekšējas pieteikšanās.
Pieteikšanās termiņš – 2011.gada 23.maijs, 18:00. NB! laiki tiks rezervēti pirmajiem 16 fotogrāfiem, kas pieteikušies un izturējuši portfolio kvalitātes atlasi.
Lai pieteiktos, sūtiet vēstuli uz office@issp.lv, īsumā raksturojot savu darbu fotogrāfijā, aprakstot, ko sagaidāt no portfolio skates, un pievienojot interneta saiti uz savu portfolio/mājaslapu vai 10-20 fotogrāfijas (jpg.,max 300 kb katra). NB! Atlasē tiks dota priekšroka fotogrāfiem, kuri strādā ar projektiem, fotoesejām vai sērijām.
Skate būs organizēta 20 minūšu sessijās. Individuālie konsultāciju laiki pie viena vai otra eksperta dalībniekiem tiks izziņoti iepriekš. Skate notiks angļu valodā.
Dalībniekiem jāsagatavo drukāts portfolio vai elektroniska prezentācija no ne vairāk kā 30 fotogrāfijām.
Uzmanību! 30.maijā plkst.19:00 laikmetīgās mākslas centrā kim? notiks Sāras Līn un Bila Marra pubilskā lekcija "The Photography of National Geographic Magazine". Ieeja bez maksas.
Informācija par ekspertiem:
Sarah Leen is a Senior Photo Editor of National Geographic magazine.
Sarah Leen graduated the University of Missouri School of Journalism, where she was awarded an internship at the National Geographic Magazine in 1979. She then worked as a freelance photographer for National Geographic for over 20 years before joining NG staff as Senior Photo Editor in 2004. Her assignments took her to the shores of Lake Baikal in Siberia, the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia’s Far East, the Republic of Macedonia, the ancient town of Djenne in Mali, the Mexican volcano Popocatepetl and the suburbs of America for a series of stories on Urban Sprawl, Cheap Oil and Alternative Energy. In 1986 she received a Robert F. Kennedy Awards honorable mention for a project on Alzheimer’s disease. In 2003 her image “The Mask” from her National Geographic story “Skin: The Body’s Edge”, was awarded second place in the Science and Technology category of the World Press Photos competition. In 2007 and 2008 she won first place Magazine Picture Editing Portfolio in the Pictures of the Year competition.
Sarah Leen’s images have been published in many books including Women of the Material World, A Passage to Vietnam, National Geographic: The Photographs, Women Photographers of the National Geographic, and 100 Best Pictures of the National Geographic. In 2000 National Geographic Society published her book titled American Back Roads. Sarah Leen teaches the art of photo editing at the Missouri Photo Workshop, the Maine Photographic Workshops and the Palm Beach Centre for Photography.
Bill Marr is Creative Director for National Geographic magazine.
Marr’s career reflects a dedication to photography and its presentation in newspapers, books and magazines. He was named College Photographer of the Year in 1976, but soon felt more at home with editing and page design. While attending journalism school at the University of Missouri, Marr worked at the Columbia (MO) Tribune where he was named Newspaper Picture editor of the Year in 1979 and the newspaper was twice recognized for Best Use of Photography. Marr’s work at the Tribune was also honored by the Society for Newspaper Design with a gold medal. Marr was Art Director at the Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine in the early 1980s where twice Pictures of the Year International awarded him the Newspaper Magazine Picture Editor of the Year award.
Later he began a commercial design and photography studio that specialized in the use of editorial and creative photography in corporate applications. He worked for six years on the staff of National Geographic as a layout editor, and then left to he begin a freelance design company in 1998 designing and packaging more than 40 illustrated books. Marr rejoined the National Geographic staff in 2005 as an Executive Editor.
Latvijā Sāra Līna un Bils Marrs ir ieradošies pēc ASV vēstniecības ierosinājuma, lai novadītu meistardarbnīcu "Dokumentālā foto-eseja".
Pasākumi tiek organizēti Amerikas kultūras pavasara “Made in the USA” ietvaros.
Pateicamies žurnālam “Fotokvārtāls” un laikmetīgās mākslas centram kim? par informatīvo atbalstu.
Papildu informācija: uz epastu office@issp.lv