Parallel Open Call 2019

PARALLEL Open call aims to select 30 new artists and 6 new curators working with photography who will participate in the PARALLEL Platform 3rd Cycle, occurring between September 2019 and November 2020. Those selected will be taking part in an innovative creative process, from the very beginning to the moment of the exhibition, together with 36 other new curators and artists.

The jurors are looking for new curators who satisfy the following criteria:
– are in the early stages of their career; 
– show significant artistic potential; 
– have an artistic engaged with contemporary discourse; 
– haven’t yet attained international recognition;
– have had NO MORE than 3 individual exhibitions in a museum/gallery/festival (ARTISTS);
– have had NO MORE than 6 collective exhibitions in a museum/gallery/festival (ARTISTS);
– have curated NO MORE than 3 exhibitions in a museum/gallery/festival (CURATORS).

The call is open internationally to new artists and new curators of all ages working with photography. The selection will take into account gender balance and overall diversity. There’s no compulsory theme, all work is appreciated.

PARALLEL working language is English; therefore all applicants must understand, speak, read and write in English.

All those interested in partaking should send their applications until March 31st. 

Entrance Fee: 20€

More info and submission 

Human Baltic 2024

Human Baltic is the first-ever joint Baltic art project in Japan. It presents more than 200 photographs by 17 authors of the golden age humanist photography of 1960-1990 and The Baltic Way in one of the most prestigious galleries of Tokyo - Spiral Garden.

FUTURES Talents 2024

We are happy to announce the five artists we invited to join the FUTURES platform this year – Agate Tūna (LV), Gedvile Tamosiunaite (LT), Katya Lesiv (UA), Klaus Leo Richter (AT/LT), Ruudu Ulas (EE). Their projects mirror the concerns and reflections of a context of wars and the rise of digital realities. We believe these five artists will contribute to the FUTURES artistic community with the diversity of their approaches, demonstrating the role of the artist in a changing and challenging world. 

On Art and Activism :: J. Jordan – In-between Everything

On April 21, 18.30 we start a series of lectures on art and activism with an online talk by the 'magician of rebellion', co-founder of Reclaim The Streets movement J. Jordan (FR) - "In-between Everything: art and activism, nature and culture, male and female – a non-binary guide to creative rebellion”.

21. aprīlī plkst. 18.30 aicinām uz 'dumpju burvja', Reclaim the Streets kustības līdzdibinātāja J. Jordana tiešsaistes lekciju “Visam pa vidu: māksla un aktīvisms, daba un kultūra, vīrišķais un sievišķais – radošas sacelšanās nebinārās vadlīnijas”.

Parallel - European Photo Based Platform

We are very excited to be a part of new European platform - PARALLEL, that brings together 18 European arts organisations, emerging artists and curators to promote a new quality standard for contemporary photography - the first of its kind co-funded by the European Platforms of Creative Europe.

Dust and Gold

Happy to present the work created by artist Vika Eksta during her residency at Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, September - October 2016, as part of the project Alternative Storytelling.

Vika's video piece speaks about past and contemporary ways of archiving, also including conversations with people engaged in the practice. For the artist this was also her first personal encounter with Egypt – a country with a rich history and a complicated present. 

Putekļi un zelts

Aicinām uz pasākumu Putekļi un zelts - vakaru mūsdienu Ēģiptes atmosfērā, kas notiks 1. decembrī plkst. 19.30 Aleponijā. Septembra nogalē māksliniece Vika Eksta pavadīja trīs nedēļas mūsu organizētajā rezidencē Townhouse galerijā, Kairā, Ēģiptē, projekta Alternative Storytelling ietvaros. Šajā laikā tapa multimediāli darbi un vizuālas piezīmes par pavadīto laiku zemē ar bagātu pagātni, haotisku tagadni un neskaidru nākotni. 

Pelču leģendas - darbnīca Pelču iedzīvotājiem

Aicinām Pelču iedzīvotājus vecumā no 18 gadiem pieteikties radošai fotodarbnīcai "Pelču leģendas", kas notiks Starptautiskās fotogrāfijas vasaras skolas (ISSP) ietvaros no 2. - 3. jūlijam un no 6. - 14. augustam!

Flâneur rezidences prezentācija: Alekss F. Vebs, Jonass Feige + Orbīta

Ielūdzam uz Flâneur rezidences prezentāciju K.K.fon Stricka villā 25.maijā plkst 18:30 - savus Rīgā tapušos darbus vienreizējā instalācijā prezentēs mākslinieki Alekss F. Vebs un Jonass Feige. Notikums tapis sadarbībā ar radošo kolektīvu Orbīta.

We cordially invite you to the Flâneur residency presentation event featuring the works of Alex F. Webb and Jonas Feige created during their month long residency in Riga on 25 May at K.K.fon Stricka villa! The event is organised in collaboration with the Orbita collective.

Artist talks: Alex F. Webb, Jonas Feige

We cordially invite you to talks by the Flâneur project resident artists in Riga - Alex F. Webb and Jonas Feige on Wednesday 11 May 6.30 pm at the ISSP Studio! 

Aicinām uz Flâneur projekta rezidences mākslinieku Aleksa F. Veba un Jonasa Feiges autorvakaru trešdien, 11. maijā plkst. 18.30 ISSP Studijā!