Artist talks & book presentation :: Bernotaitė, Odnoviun, Raggio

Surveillance, Valentyn Odnoviun

Ceturtdien, 13. augustā, plkst. 18.30 ISSP Galerijā Berga bazārā notiks tikšanās ar ISSP Rīgas Rezidences māksliniekiem — Viktoriju Bernotaiti (Lietuva/Lielbritānija), Valentīnu Odnovjunu (Ukraina/Lietuva) un Martinu T. Radžio (ASV/Vācija). Tikšanās ir iespēja uzzināt par viņu līdzšinējo darbību, kā arī par projektiem Rīgā. Pasākuma laikā notiks arī grāmatu prezentācijas.

Viktorija Bernotaite

Viktorija Bernotaite ir lietuviešu māksliniece, kas šobrīd dzīvo Lielbritānijā, un savās fotogrāfijās visbiežāk pievēršas cilvēka un dabas attiecību izzināšanai. Interese par dabu, īpaši kokiem, viņai radusies jau bērnībā un šis motīvs viņas darbos atkārtojas nepārtraukti. Viktorija šogad absolvējusi fotogrāfijas nodaļu Falmutas Universitāti un piedalījusies vairākās grupas izstādēs Lielbritānijā.

Valentīns Odnovjuns

Valentīns Odnovjuns ir Lietuvā dzīvojošs ukraiņu mākslinieks un mākslas vēsturnieks, kurš ieguvis maģistra grādus Viļņas Mākslas akadēmijas fotogrāfijas un mākslas vēstures un teorijas nodaļās, kā arī studējis apmaiņas programmās Lodzā un Minhenē. Šobrīd raksta savu doktordarbu Lietuvas Kultūras pētniecības institūtā. Saņēmis vairākus starptautiskus apbalvojumus Lietuvā, Polijā un Serbijā, bet nesenākā ir “Photolux Award” balva Itālijā 2019. gadā. Kopš 2016. gada piedalījies grupas un personālizstādēs Eiropā, Jaunzēlandē, ASV. Radot teju abstraktus attēlus, Valentīns pievēršas uztveres paradoksu pētīšanai.

Martins T. Radžio

Martins T. Radžio ir ASV dzimis argentīnietis, kurš dzīvo Berlīnē un strādā, miksējot visas šīs ietekmes un darbos atklājot savas dzīves mirkļus un emocijas. Viņš rotaļājas ar fotogrāfiju, pārvēršot “īsto pasauli” pats savā realitātē un pēdējā laikā ir īpaši pievērsies analogajai lielformāta fotogrāfijai. Studējis mediju mākslu Buenosairesas Universitātē, ieguvis maģistra grādu laikmetīgajā fotogrāfijā EFTI fotogrāfijas centrā Madridē, piedalījies izstādēs Argentīnā, Spānijā un Portugālē.

Ieeja bez maksas, pasākums notiks angļu valodā. 

:: ENG ::

On Thursday, August 13, at 18.30 a meeting with ISSP Riga Residency artists Viktorija Bernotaitė (Lithuania/UK), Valentyn Odnoviun (Ukraine/Lithuania) and Martin T Raggio (USA/Germany) will take place at the ISSP Gallery, Riga. The attendees will have a chance to hear about their previous work, as well as projects they are developing in Riga. Two books – “Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression” by Odnoviun and “Riverville” by Raggio – will be presented during the event.

Viktorija Bernotaitė

Viktorija Bernotaitė is a Lithuanian artist currently based in the UK, who explores the human-nature relationship through the photographic medium. The interest in nature, especially trees, emerges from her childhood and is an ever-appearing motif in her practice. This year Viktorija graduated from the Falmouth University (BA (Hons) Photography) and since 2017 has participated in group exhibitions in the UK.

Valentyn Odnoviun

Valentyn Odnoviun, Ukrainian living and working in Lithuania, has studied at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, Photography Department (MA) and Art History and Theory Department (MA). Currently writing a PhD dissertation at the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute. He has won several awards, one of the latest being Photolux Award in Italy in 2019. Between 2016-2019 nominated for photography awards, held personal and participated in collective exhibitions around Europe, in New Zealand, USA and Switzerland. Working with the “abstract-like” image author researches paradox of the perception of what we see and what we perceive in the act of recognition.

Martin T Raggio

Argentinian artist Martin T Raggio, born as a first-generation American, Martin splits his life between the United States and Argentina but is currently living in Berlin. The artist plays with photography using the “real world” to make his own conceptual reality. Recently, he has released a photobook “Riverville” and now is dedicated to working with analogue large format. Studied Media Arts at the University of Buenos Aires, graduated from EFTI with an MA in Contemporary Photography. Has participated in exhibitions in Argentina, Spain and Portugal.

Free entrance, the event will take place in English.

Coming up - ISSP 2011 & more

Many, many things in process. By the end of the month, we will be ready to announce the applications for Summer School 2011. You can already find some information about 2011 workshops and teachers here. We will also have a brand - new website, and more exciting news coming up soon!

Aktuāli: ISSP BW lab

ISSP invites all interested in Black and White analogue process and looking for lab facilities to become 2011 members of our BW Lab in Andrejsala (Riga). Lab members can use fully equipped ISSP BW lab for a year - pretty much without any time limits. Full info in Latvian below. For more info, please call Arnis :)

ISSP 2011 - dates

Hallo everyone! The dates for International Summer School of Photography 2011 are 6 - 14 August, and we plan to announce the applications as usual around end March - beginning of April. Stay tuned!

ISSP Exhibition “Reference point” in Riga

A short video-documentation of ISSP 2010 exhibition “Reference Point” currently on show at Goethe Institute in Riga is available on vimeo! For those who still have not seen it, the exhibition  will be on show till January 30.

And, btw, as of January 2011 the ISSP 2010 catalogues and the complete collection of 2006 - 2010 catalogues can be purchased at the Latvian Museum of Photography (you can also take a look at them for free at kim? reading room, Satori, META cafe, Istaba and couple of other places).

ISSP meklē 2011.g. BW laboratorijas biedrus & laboratorijas vadītāju

ISSP meklē melnbaltās foto-laboratorijas 2011.gada biedrus un laboratorijas vadītāju.

ISSP Laboratorija Andrejsalā (bijušajā “Ēdnīcas” ēkā) darbojās kopš 2009.gada. Tā satur visu nepieciešamo aprīkojumu, lai pašrocīgi attīstītu filmas un kopētu bildes. Piedāvājam tiem, kam aktīvi interesē melnbaltais analogais fotoprocess un iespēja regulāri izmantot laboratoriju, kļūt par 2011.gada Laboratorijas biedriem.

Peter Bialobrzeski on ISSP

Last but not least - Peter Bialobrzeski on ISSP (17 October 2010):

ISSP 2010 was the best photography event I have participated in this year. Teaching there was special, a childhood-like summer with plenty of lovely people, fellow teachers and workshop participants likewise. The workshop was an intense work experience with a lovely holiday feel about it!

Roger Ballen on ISSP

Roger Ballen on ISSP (31 August 2010):

It was a wonderful experience teaching at ISSP. In this quiet rustic location the students immersed themselves into photography, into themselves.

Veronique Bourgoin on ISSP

Veronique Bourgoin on ISSP (31 August 2010):

Welcoming, strong, international, wild, professional, warm, free… the ISSP team produces a perfect cocktail to open up some crazy space for creation.

George Georgiou on ISSP

George Georgiou on ISSP (29 August 2010):

The organization, energy and enthusiasm of ISSP founders is contagious and sets the scene for the whole event. The remoteness of the location brings an intensity that is bonding for all who take part. The inspiration, friendships and energy will live with many for a long time. A week of great creativity and soul searching for all involved.