Kuldīga Photography Residency 2015
Applications are invited for the Kuldīga Photography Residency 2015 - two places for photographers / artists working with photography are available this August - September, in wonderful Kuldīga!
Applications are invited for the Kuldīga Photography Residency 2015 - two places for photographers / artists working with photography are available this August - September, in wonderful Kuldīga!
Līdz 3.aprīlim atvērta pieteikšanās uz grāmatu veidošanas darbnīcu ar Nico Baumgarten, kas notiks no 24.-26.aprīlim un 1.-3. maijam Rīgā! Applications are open to 6 days artist's book making workshop with Nico Baumgarten - deadline 3 April!
21.martā aicinām uz ISSP Starptautiskās meistarklases Kuldīgas sesijas rezultātu prezentāciju un izstādes atklāšanu! Izstāde publikai apskatāma no 22.marta līdz 12.aprīlim - laipni lūgti!
We are excited to announce that from 15 - 21 March, Kuldīga will host the first session of the new ISSP International Masterclass. As part of the event, we invite you to attend an open evening programme of lectures and presentations, as well as a pop-up exhibition of the first results on March 21 at Kuldīga Arts House.
We are delighted to announce the Call for Applications for the ISSP 2015, the 10th anniversary edition of the ISSP! This August in Kuldīga - storytelling and collage with Jim Goldberg, landscape with Alexander Gronsky, narrative portraiture with Alessandra Sanguinetti, nature stories with Anna Fox, photobook making with Akina Books and Nico Baumgarten and camera obscura experiments with Takashi Homma! Don't miss it - the deadline fo applications is 20 April!
Mark the dates: 1 - 9 August 2015 in Kuldīga! We are happy to announce that the anniversary edition of the International Summer School of Photography will host masterclasses by Jim Goldberg, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Anna Fox, Alexander Gronsky, Takashi Homma and a bookmaking class by Akina books & Nico Baumgarten! The call for applications will be announced in March.
We are happy to announce the 24 emerging photographers from 13 countries who were selected to take part in the International Masterclass 2015/2016! Looking forward to seeing everyone in Kuldīga in March!
In cooperation with the Latvian Museum of Photogrpaphy, we invite to meet two photographers whose work made in Latvia is currently on show in the Museum! Artist talks by Hirohisa Koike (Japan) and Luca Berti (Italy) on 16th January 18:00!
A new kid in town: the ISSP International Masterclass programme - year-long international masterclasses with some of the greatest tutors we ever worked with! We are delighted to announce the Call for Applications for 2015/2016: classes with Aaron Schuman and Yuri Kozyrev and Andrei Polikanov! Applications deadline 15 January 2015 at www.ISSPmasterclass.com, start in March 2015!
A home movie on the ISSP experience, by Anya Schiller, is finally out! Lots of love, photography, and cows. Based on real events at the International Summer School of Photography 2014.
Aicinām atzīmēt ikgadējā ISSP plānotāja nākšanu pasaulē un vienīgo reizi Rīgā noskatīties ISSP 2014 darbu projekcijas! // Join us in celebrating the arrival of the new Weekly Planner 2015 and the unique occasion of screening the ISSP 2014 final works in Riga!
Prieka ziņa un labākā dāvana fotomīļiem - ir iznācis 2015.gada plānotājs ar ISSP 2014 dalībnieku fotogrāfijām!
The beautiful 2015 Weekly Planner with ISSP 2014 participants' photographs is now out!