Jauna lapa - www.isspskola.lv!
Pārvērtusies ISSP Skolas mājaslapa, kur var aplūkot arī izstādē "Misfits" iekļautos absolventu darbus, ir klāt - www.isspskola.lv! Pieteikšanās jaunajām Skolas mācību ciklam 2014/2016 tiks izsludināta jaunnedēļ!
Pārvērtusies ISSP Skolas mājaslapa, kur var aplūkot arī izstādē "Misfits" iekļautos absolventu darbus, ir klāt - www.isspskola.lv! Pieteikšanās jaunajām Skolas mācību ciklam 2014/2016 tiks izsludināta jaunnedēļ!
ISSP Skolas otrais izlaidums ir klāt! Izstāde MISFITS ar desmit jauno autoru līdzdalību Kaņepes centrā no 28.maija līdz 8.jūnijām. Esat aicināti uz izstādes atklāšanu trešdien 19:00 Kaņepes Kultūras centrā!
Ceturtdien, 22. maijā plkst. 18:30 kino Splendid Palace ar savu darbu prezentāciju uzstāsies leģendārais Argentīnas fotogrāfs Markoss Lopezs, kurš Rīgā viesojas projekta "Rīgas paš/portreti" un Rīga 2014 programmas ietvaros! Laipni lūgti!
The applications for the ISSP 2014 are closed. We received over 200 applications from around 40 countries. The evaluation committee for this year are photographer Alnis Stakle (LV), Editor of FK Magazine Arnis Balčus (LV), Editor of GUP Magazine Erik Vroons (NL) and director of PhotoIreland festival Angel Luis Gonzalez Fernandez (IE). Selection results will be known in the beginning of June!
Self Publish Riga contest results announced! Congratulations to Top Ten and the winners - Alessia Bernardini (“Becoming Simone”), Mafalda Rakoš, Iuna Vieira& Raphael Reichl (“3rd Generation”), Līva Rutmane (“Chomsky”) and Alvaro Deprit (“Dreaming Leone”), as well as Antalis Award recipients Luīze Pētersone (“House in the woods”) and Anna Volkova (“Temporary need”)!
The programme of talks and presentations for SELF PUBLISH RIGA, one of the central events of the Riga Photomonth 2014, is online. On 9 - 11 May, Riga will host over 15 international guests speaking about photobooks and self/publishing, 9 book collections, shortlisted dummies from the Self Publish Riga contest and a pop-up bookstore - a festival within the festival!
Attention! Kuldīga Artists' Residence invites photographers and artists working with photography to apply for up to 50 days paid residency during time period August - October 2014. Only one place available - deadline for applications 15th May!
Dear friends, the applications for the ISSP 2014 are now open! This year in Kuldīga - photographing history with Simon Norfolk, portraits with Antonin Kratochvil, subversive tactics with Yurie Nagashima, bookmaking with Rafal Milach & Ania Nalecka, multimedia with Adrian Kelterborn, and the real world documentary with Mark Steinmetz. Applications deadline: 11th May!
We are very pleased to announce the ISSP masters for this August: Adrian Kelterborn, Antonin Kratochvil, Mark Steinmetz, Simon Norfolk, Yurie Nagashima, Rafal Milach and Ania Nalecka! More information in masters&workshops. Call for Applications will be open from the end of March - follow this website for more information!
Applications are open for Artist's Book Workshop with Nico Baumgarten, from 3-7 May in Riga! Photographers, illustrators, graphic artists and other creatives with projects ready for presentation in form of a book are welcome to apply by 1st April!
We are happy to announce the SELF PUBLISH RIGA photobook dummy contest and exhibition! Send us your dummy until 20 April 2014 take part in the exciting events during Riga Photomonth on 3-11 May! More information here.
Dear friends, the dates for this year ISSP are 2 - 10 August and we will announce call for applications in the end of March as usual. Location unchanged - Pelči, Kuldīga!