SELF PUBLISH RIGA talks & presentations

Anne Golaz

SELF PUBLISH RIGA publiskās lekcijas un prezentācijas notiks 12. maijā no 12.00-18.00 ISSP Galerijā. Dalībnieki: Liza Šteina, Anne Golaza, Antuāns Žakū, Dīters Noiberts,  Valentina Abenavoli, Alekss Bočeto, Huanans Rekena.

SELF PUBLISH RIGA talks & presentations will take place May 12 12.00-18.00, ISSP Gallery. Participants: Lisa Stein (UK), Anne Golaz (FI/CH) & Antoine Jaccoud (CH), Dieter Neubert (DE), Alex Bocchetto and Valentina Abenavoli, Akina Books (IT), Juanan Requena (ES).

12.00 - 13.00 Lisa Stein (UK)
Photocaptionist: A Love Affair Between Photographs and Words

The Photocaptionist is a platform devoted to exploring the intriguing relationship between photography and literature, images and words. Managing editor Lisa Stein will introduce the theoretical premises and special features of the platform, as well as other projects – cross-publishing, recent exhibitions curated by the Photocaptionist, and how this all relates to the photobook movement.

Lisa Stein is a London-based editor and writer specialising in photography. Managing editor at the Photocaptionist and assistant reviews editor at the Burlington Magazine. 

13.00 - 14.00 Anne Golaz (FI/CH) & Antoine Jaccoud (CH)
Towards Intertwined Ways of Telling. A conversation on the genesis of the book "Corbeau".

Published by MACK in 2017, "Corbeau" is part memoir, part tableau - a multi-layered narrative collage tracing life and death in the rural farm on which Swiss artist Anne Golaz grew up. Made over a twelve-year period and bridging three generations, the three-part book weaves together photographs, video stills and drawings, with texts by the author, screenwriter and playwright, Antoine Jaccoud, as well as the artist’s own writings.

Anne Golaz is a Swiss photographer based in Finland. Antoine Jaccoud is a Swiss author, playwright and screenwriter based in Lausanne. Corbeau is their first collaboration.

14.00 - 15.00 lunch break

15.00 - 16.00 Dieter Neubert (DE)
Let’s Read Some Favourite Photobooks

„I feel something like an essence in photography which has been multiplied in a rotary press.“ (Daido Moriyama)
In a traditional understanding, a photobook is just a book that uses photographs to illustrate text-stories, or an exhibition catalogue or a documentation of photographic collections. But a photobook is not just a group of pictures put together, and it is not the sum of its photographs - it is much more. Dieter Neubert will present and speak about some of his personal favourite photobooks.

Dieter Neubert is Founder and Director of the Kassel Fotobookfestival and Founder of the Kassel Photobook and Dummy Awards.

16.00 - 17.00 Alex Bocchetto and Valentina Abenavoli, Akina Books (IT)
Out of Stock - An Adventure in Publishing

The editors and publishers of AKINA Books Alex Bocchetto and Valentina Abenavoli will present the joys and pains of 5 years of publishing photobooks. A love story with printed matter, from zines to collective books, providing an insight into the current photobook market and trends.

AKINA Books is an independent publishing house of photobooks as objects to crease, love, collect. Founded in 2012, it has published more than 35 titles in both hand-made and offset-printed editions from emerging and established photographers.

17.00 - 18.00 Juanan Requena (ES)
The Goal is the Path

An artist talk by Juanan Requena, prolific maker of unique hand-made artist books that often take the form of personal diaries. “I deeply believe that we are all what we can still do: the next challenge, the next step, the white page we´ll fill up with a mixture of fantasy and intuition.” The talk will provide an insight into his creative process and struggles along the way.

Juanan Requena is an artist, book-maker and teacher currently based in Nauchipán, somewhere in Spain.


Pasākums notiks angļu valodā/ The event will be held in English

Ieeja brīva/ Entrance free

Partneri un atbalstītāji / Partners and supporters: Kaunas Photography Gallery, Printing house KOPA, UAB Antalis, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds, AS Antalis, Embassy of Finland in Riga, Abuls sidrs, YET Magazine, FK Magazine

SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 winners announced!

We are excited to announce the winners of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 dummy contest! The first prize goes to “An ordinary story” by Nadezhda Ermakova (Russia) and the prize for the best Baltic dummy is awarded to “Half Houses” by Inga Navickaitė-Drąsutė (Lithuania). Congratulations to the winners and authors of the shortlisted dummies! 


No 1. jūnija līdz 1. jūlijam ISSP Galerijā skatāma SELF PUBLISH RIGA izstāde, kas piedāvā iepazīties ar vairākām grāmatu kolekcijam: "Paris Photo – Aperture PhotoBook Awards" 2020, "Africa in the Photobook", "Nordic Dummy Award", Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas pēdējo gadu fotogrāmatas, kā arī labākie konkursam iesūtītie fotogrāmatu maketi un Annas Volkovas īpaši veidotā instalācija “Stikla Strenči dažos vārdos”. SELF PUBLISH RIGA ir viens no galvenajiem Rīgas Fotomēneša notikumiem, kas veltīts fotogrāmatām un pašizdošanai.

From June 1 until July 1 the ISSP Gallery will host the SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2021 exhibition of several fascinating photobook collections and a special installation dedicated to the "Glass Strenči". The event is dedicated to photobooks and self-publishing and is one of the main events of Riga Photomonth.

SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2020 – submit your photobook dummy!

We are happy to announce the fourth edition of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA photobook dummy contest! Exciting news - the author of the winning dummy will be awarded an exhibition at the ISSP Gallery. Additionally, we have teamed up with a top service provider FineArtPrint to grant a credit towards printing and framing to the author of the best dummy from the Baltic states. Send us your dummy and take part in one of the central events of Riga Photomonth 2020!

Fotogrāfi un mākslinieki aicināti iesūtīt fotogrāmatu maketus un pašu veidotas, vēl nepublicētas fotogrāmatas ceturtajam starptautiskajam konkursam SELF PUBLISH RIGA. Uzvarētājam būs iespēja izstādīt savu autorprojektu ISSP Galerijā, labākā grāmata no Baltijas valstīm saņems dāvanu karti drukai un noformējumam no FineArtPrint. Labākos konkursam pieteiktos darbus varēs apskatīt SELF PUBLISH RIGA izstādē ISSP Galerijā. 

“Daffodil” – Bahadir Aksan

Klajā nākusi fotogrāfa Bahadira Aksana (Bahadir Aksan, Turcija) grāmata “Daffodil”, kas pērn tika atzīta par labāko ISSP rīkotajā fotogrāmatu maketu konkursā SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2018. Aksans ieguva galveno balvu – iespēju publicēt grāmatu sadarbībā ar Kauņas Fotogrāfijas galeriju, izdevniecību KOPA un Antalis.

“Daffodil”, a book by photographer Bahadir Aksan (Turkey) has now been published. Being the winner of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2018 dummy contest Bahadir Aksan had the opportunity to publish his book in collaboration with Kaunas Photography Gallery, Printing house KOPA and Antalis.

Self Publish Riga 2018 winners announced!

We're excited to announce the winners of the Self Publish Riga 2018 dummy contest! First prize goes to "Daffodil" by Bahadir Aksan (Turkey), a Jury Special Mention to "Y Minsk" by Alexey Naumchik (Belarus) and the prize for best Baltic dummy goes to "Olga" by Zanda Puče (Latvia).

Self Publish Riga 2018

No 10. maija līdz 3. jūnijam ISSP Galerijā notiks SELF PUBLISH RIGA - izstāde, lekcijas un prezentācijas, veltītas fotogrāmatām un pašizdošanaI fotogrāfijā un vizuālajā mākslā, viens no galvenajiem Rīgas Fotomēneša notikumiem, ko jau ceturto reizi rīko ISSP.

From May 10 till June 3 ISSP Gallery will host SELF PUBLISH RIGA - an exhibition, public lectures and presentations, dedicated to photobooks and self-publishing, organised by ISSP as part of Riga Photomonth.

SELF PUBLISH RIGA 2018 - submit your photobook dummy!

We are happy to announce the third edition of the SELF PUBLISH RIGA photobook dummy contest! Exciting news – this year we have teamed up with Kaunas Photography Gallery, printing house KOPA and Antalis LT &Antalis LV to publish the winning dummy! Additionally, the author of the best dummy from the Baltic states will be awarded a free place at the International Summer School of Photography 2018 at workshop of their choice. Send us your dummy by 30 April, and take part in one of the central events of the Riga Photomonth 2018!

SELF PUBLISH RIGA izglītības programma

Aicinām jauniešus vecumā no 14 līdz 24 gadiem pieteikties SELF PUBLISH RIGA izglītības programmai! 

Ekskursijās un darbnīcās jauniešiem būs iespēja iepazīt SELF PUBLISH RIGA izstādi kopā ar fotogrāfi Noru Vrubļevsku, zviedru māksliniekiem Klāru Šelstrēmu un Tobiasu Feldtu, poļu fotogrāfi Agņešku Raisu un lietuviešu grāmatu dizaineri Tomu Mrazausku. Varēs izpētīt grāmatas “anatomiju”, eksperimentēt ar fotogrāfiju secību un kompozīciju, kā arī zīmējot papildināt fotogrāfijas un veidot savus stāstus.


Excited to announce that this year SELF PUBLISH RIGA will take place May 11 - 14, during the opening week of Riga Photomonth 2017. In addition to an extensive photobook exhibition and a bespoke installation by artists Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, the event will also feature talks by Peter Puklus, Agnieszka Rayss (Sputnik Photos), Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, Marina Paulenka (Organ Vida), Tom Mrazauskas (Brave Books) & Michal Iwanowski and Donald Weber.

For updates follow us on our new FB page and see

SELF PUBLISH RIGA saruna - Grāmata kā fotogrāfijas prezentācijas veids

Aicinām uz Rīgas Fotomēneša pēdējo notikumu - SELF PUBLISH RIGA sarunu Grāmata kā fotogrāfijas prezentācijas veids ceturtdien, 16. jūnijā, plkst. 18.00 Dzelzceļa muzejā. Piedalīsies un par sev tuvām fotogrāfijas grāmatām stāstīs un diskutēs Alnis Stakle, Vladimirs Svetlovs, Kārlis Vērpe un Viktorija Eksta. 

Pēc sarunas tiks paziņots SELF PUBLISH RIGA skatītāju balvas uzvarētājs un atzīmēts Rīgas Fotomēneša noslēgums. Šī ir pēdējā iespēja apskatīt izstādes SELF PUBLISH RIGA un Teritorijas!

SELF PUBLISH RIGA saruna - fotogrāmatas Latvijā

Šo ceturtdien, 26. maijā, plkst. 18.00 aicinām uz Dzelceļa muzeju, kur notiks SELF PUBLISH RIGA saruna par fotogrāmatām Latvijā! Piedalās Latviešu autori Arnis Balčus, Māra Brašmane, Inga Erdmane, Reinis Hofmanis un Anna Volkova (Orbīta), kuri stāstīs par savu izdevumu tapšanu un diskutēs par grāmatas lomu Latvijas fotogrāfijā.

Riga Photomonth 2016

Laipni lūgti uz festivāla Rīgas Fotomēnesis 2016 atklāšanu 12. maijā, kā arī lieliskām lekcijām un pasākumiem 3 dienu garumā - pilna atklāšanas nedēļas programma apskatama šeit!

The Riga Photomonth 2016 is about to start! The Festival officially opens on 12 May with exhibitions Territories and SELF PUBLISH RIGA, followed by a great programme of talks and events for the entire weekend - welcome!