Current postal address: (city, street address, ZIP code)
Phone number:
Country code: Number:
Your present occupation: (e.g. student/employed/freelance, which area)
Your website:
If you have taken part in ISSP before, please indicate the year/s:
Please describe your background and interests as a photographer - where have you studied and what you are doing in photography. We are mostly interested in your personal projects, but you can also tell about your commercial or editorial assignments if relevant.
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Motivation - please tell us why you would like to take part in the ISSP 2016 and in the specific workshop/s you are applying to.
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Please attach up to 12 photographs from your projects taken within last couple of years: (JPG, max 500 KB each)
Comments on the attached photos (title / year / short info):
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Please indicate three ISSP 2016 workshops you wish to attend, in order of preference:
(see Masters & Workshops at )
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
How did you find out about the International Summer School of Photography?
Friends / former ISSP participants
Other website (please indicate, where exactly)
Other (please tell us)
Participation fee
ISSP participation fee includes workshop tuition and portfolio reviews, 8 days basic accommodation at the campus, full board (3 meals per day) and local transportation during the workshop.
I agree to pay the full participation fee 600 EUR
ISSP is offering a limited number of participation fee subsidies for talented young photographers from Latvia and countries from the CIS region who for objective reasons cannot afford to pay the full fee.
Photographers up to 35 years old from the following countries are qualified to apply for the fee subsidy: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Central Asian Republics.
In order to receive the fee subsidy your application must be above average in quality. The decision on granting of subsidies is taken by ISSP.
I wish to apply for the subsidized participation fee 300 EUR (only for applicants under 35 years old from Baltic countries and CIS)
For those applying for the subsidized fee – please explain why you wish to receive a fee subsidy: